Ren Schuffman
Feb 22, 2022
Is This One Sin Holding Back Revival?
Is This One Sin Holding Back Revival? Ren Schuffman Over the last season, God has been whispering to my heart a profound truth. It’s a...

Ren Schuffman
Apr 23, 2021
Gemstones from Heaven Raining Down. Passion, Power and Purity is Being Poured Out.
April 23 2021 By Pastor Ren Schuffman Something new is being poured out from heaven, something powerful that has shifted the church into...

Ren Schuffman
Dec 26, 2020
Time to Cross Over into Victory
By Ren Schuffman Posted 12/26/2020 2:39 pm Today as I write this, I am in awe of God. I see the prophetic words He has whispered to...

Ren Schuffman
Sep 18, 2020
Your Miracle is a Click Away!
The church is undergoing the greatest shift in it’s history and your miracle might be waiting on the other side. What if your miracle was...

Ren Schuffman
Aug 25, 2020
A Church in Hiding.
In late March the Lord had spoken to me concerning the pandemic and told me it would pass over by Passover. He told me the beginning...

Ren Schuffman
Aug 18, 2020
Shaking loose Geysers of Revival!
We are about to witness the greatest season of revival the earth has ever seen since Jesus. As I prayed early morning, on August 10th...

Ren Schuffman
Aug 15, 2020
Alarming Church Attendance Data from Pew
I'm alarmed at new research coming out of the pew research center. According to pew 79% of regular church attenders believe their church...

Ren Schuffman
Mar 1, 2017
Why Millennials Aren't Going to Your Church But Are at Mine.
How is it that a small church plant with no budget has a youth group equal to almost half their congregation. The answer is simple and dupli

Ren Schuffman
Oct 1, 2016
To My Atheist Friends
I would like to take a few minutes to give you my reasons why it is that I believe and serve the God of the Bible, yes the one with magic...
Ren Schuffman
May 1, 2013
Find a credit card to fit you.
Every credit card offer is different, we are here to help you find that best one to help you rebuild your credit or take back control of...