A amazing internet broadcast where we train and equip, pray and prophesy over you. We have seen 1000's of healings and prophesies in 2020. We partner with amazing guest ministers to see Gods power get poured out in real time over real people. Hosted by pastor Ren Schuffman.
Interact live Most weeknights 8pm Central

Watch any of our past broadcasts below
What our guest ministers say about our broadcast
Ryan Johnson
Author: How to Contend for Your Miracle
Ren Schuffman is helping to equip and encourage the Sons/Daughters of God with authentic conversations, prayer, and prophecy. Recently I had the honor to join Ren for the program “Power Hour of Prayer”, and without a doubt the Presence of God was evident through every moment of the program. It truly was one of the more special times that I have had the privilege of being a part of as we saw the Lord release many words that encouraged, equipped, confirmed, and challenged us to grow in Christ. What Ren has developed through the use of modern technology is a vital tool to the Kingdom and across the world. I honor and sincerely appreciate the work that Ren, his family, and Freedom Fellowship Church is doing for the Glory of the Lord. I strongly recommend that everyone connects with the Ministry of Ren Schuffman and Freedom Fellowship Church. You need the voices of these men and women of God in your life!
Putty Putman
Author: Live Like Jesus
I've done a lot of online ministry over the years, but I've never experienced anything quite like this. Pastor Ren has created something that 'son the front-edge of digitally-enabled-Holy-Spirit-empowered ministry here, and I think it's worth sharing this so we can all be reflecting on what we can learn from him.... Read the whole blog here
John Veal
Author: supernaturally Delivered
Pastor Ren Schuffman is a gem within the Body of Christ! He's different! His sincerity, authenticity, and love for God's people is evident in everything He does for the Kingdom. I had the pleasure of being a guest on his popular, weekly show, Power Hour of Prayer. Healings, miracles and deliverance were on full display and I enjoyed the synergistic way that we flowed together. Many were encouraged, strengthened, and set free! I highly recommend Ren's ministry, especially to those that want to experience the tangible power of God and His awesome miracles!
Sharell Barerra
Online figure. S Pastor 509 Revival Hub
Ren is someone whom I believe is carrying the torch for the next wave of Revival. His heart is for the lost, Ren is a pastor for the people a man after God's own heart. His passion is unity and to see others always lifted above himself, he is selfless and kind. Ren is like a brother to those who don’t have family, he’s like a dad to those who don’t have a dad. I have truly seen him operate in such a gift of faith. He sees people walking in faith and he takes that and runs with it. He believes that if others can do it he can too. I truly believe that is why he is a pioneer and a general of this generation! He is compassionate for souls and sharing the heart of God everywhere he goes even in restaurants and the most unlikely places. He is truly humble, genuine, and walks in the father's love . I’m blessed and honored to have him as a friend and as one of my coverings. He is trustworthy. He is always looking out for the best interest of everyone else. Loyalty is something he displays as a part of who he is .