Alarming Church Attendance Data from Pew
I'm alarmed at new research coming out of the pew research center.
According to pew 79% of regular church attenders believe their church should have the right be open right now. But out of those regular church attenders only 33% have actually gone to a service. 2/3rds of regulars are still staying home. 2 thirds!! Our church's are empty while the restaurants are full. Many of those skipping in person service admit that they have not watched even one online service.

There are consequences to our health when we are mal-nurished in the physical. You can't go months without food without your organs shutting down. You can't go months without spiritual food without having your spiritual health compromised. Your heart begins to shut down, as your joy begins to leave. This pandemic has left many Christians in america with fattened bodies and famined spirits.
79% say their church should be open but only a third of those are willing to go themselves. That means we got a big problem in the church. Hypocrisy has a stronger hold on us then we want to admit. What comes out of our mouth as a belief does not match what comes out of our actions, that is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. This is a season where complacent Christianity will not cut it.
We have pastors in California facing jail time for keeping their church doors open for you. John MacArthur has violated his churches injunction and so has Rob McCoy. “I wish it didn’t have to come to this, I really do, but we will be violating the judge’s order. We will be open this Sunday,” Rob McCoy said Friday, hours after the judge prohibited Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Newbury Park from holding indoor worship services. Pastors are literally are violating injunctions against them to make sure your spiritually feed. They have risked their freedom and finances for their faith. Faith is spelled R I S K!
I'm not talking to those of you that have health issues. If you are in the vulnerable category, use wisdom, watch online if you need to. I'm talking to all the Christians I saw packing out my favorite restaurants this week.
For those of you that are not going in to church "yet" to get spiritually fed because you are concerned about getting covid-19 but went in and sat down at a restaurant this week to get physically fed, the truth of Gods word is not in you, period!
So if you were brave enough to sit in a restaurant with other people with your mask off while you ate. Then message your pastor right now and say, I'll see you on Sunday.

Pastor Ren Schuffman is the senior pastor of Freedom Fellowship Church in Mustang OK, a suburb of Oklahoma city. He flows in a strong healing and prophetic anointing. He is a church planter, musician, international speaker, author and revivalist.
Pastor Ren spent many years as a music pastor and spent years touring in a Christian Rock band called StoneWater until the Lord called him to plant a church in 2016.
2018 pastor Ren had a life-altering encounter with Holy Spirit that launched him into a great outpouring of signs wonders and miracles.
He is married to Rachael Schuffman and is a father of 3 boys.
Pastor Ren can be seen around the world on multiple satellite television stations, Charisma Magazine, and more.
Ren also host the "Power Hour of Prayer". This live internet broadcast reaches around the world. Pastor Ren hosts anointed pastors from across the globe that partner with him to release the supernatural over those watching. Healing and prophesy happen nightly.
You can watch the live every 8pm Central time at
Parler @renschuffman