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A Church in Hiding.

In late March the Lord had spoken to me concerning the pandemic and told me it would pass over by Passover. He told me the beginning Passover. The 8th came and went and sure enough every number began to drop, the 8th was the highest day of death in the state of Oklahoma. So imagine my confusion that in August we are still talking about this pandemic and seeing 2nd waves and spiking numbers in places. Seeing churches begin to push back, meeting at beaches and parks, risking jail to finally open their doors amid lock-downs. So many of us had declared the same thing, pass over by Passover. I wasn’t alone in what I heard. “Lord, did we miss it, did we hear you wrong?, I prayed this Monday. I came to the Lord repentant that I had labeled something as from God when it wasn’t. His reply to me was shocking.

“My churches stayed closed”!

What you declared was my word but when my children heard the word my churches stayed closed, the people stayed home, my children stayed quiet. They heard the report of man and did not believe the report of my prophets, so they hid. So they circle again until they arrive at trust in my voice. Now my churches have begun to hear me, they have begun to declare my voice, they have begun to believe the good report that has been spoken from my lips into their hearts. Revival requires trust. Trust in my goodness. My mercy is new every morning, so I have renewed my mercy and brought my church back around and as they begin to trust me they will see me move in wonder and end their wandering

'for on this same day I will have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt.

Exodus 12:17

The Lord reminded me what he had done with the slaves of Egypt. The firstborn plague of Egypt cost every first born their life, save the Israelites. The Israelites didn’t have special medicine or immunity to what was coming for them. They had the spoken word of God. They received the word of the prophets, Moses and Aaron and they acted on the word. They had followed the Lord's command, they marked the doors, locked themselves in and the plague passed by them and then the following day they arose and left. They came out when the Lord had said it passed them. They did not play it safe and wait, just to make sure. If they had, they would have missed their exodus. I’m not suggesting we are careless or refrain from using wisdom in our decisions. I'm suggesting that when the Lord speaks there is no decision to make, it is time to simply obey. Too many voices spoke in unity and the Church didn’t listen.

‘Then the children of Israel went away and did so; just as the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did.'

Exodus 12:28

In this season the Lord spoke and we chose to stay in bondage we were called out of. It passed over but much like the children of Israel we tend to have moments we obey and moments we doubt. Moses commissioned 12 spies to investigate the promised land. 10 had a bad report, 2 had a good report. The nation of Israel chose to listen to the doom and gloom of the 10. They were the majority, surely there was wisdom in the 10’s counsel you might say. God is not interested in you believing man's reports over Gods. Because they chose to align themselves with the bad report that they could not take over the promised land, they DIDN’T. They circled around and none of that generation got to claim what was promised to them. Even the 2 with the God report that stood as the minority were forced to remain in the desert. They would eventually be blessed. When the Lord spoke the nation hid in the desert and did not take the promise. They stayed where they thought they were safe. No risk, no reward. No faith, no miracle. So they circled in wait of a next generation that would believe that when God says it, that it is finished. He waited for a nation that understood that what heaven had release through the prophets (the good report) needed to be decreed by the church. We decree what is to be. Somethings need to be decreed to happen. We had a few Caleb's rise up but found the rest holding them in the desert. I believe if we had all believed in unity like the Exodus of Egypt we would have seen His wonder, instead we were divided and decreed sorrow and saw more sand.

When God calls us to a promise there is always a testing of faith with it. If we pass the test we level up. If we fail the test we might have to repeat the grade.

Before this crisis the Lord promised us revival. The Lord is determined to bring us into the promise of revival. Will we circle because we are afraid of the bad report or will we finally trust Him, push in, see the Jordan part and the walls of Jericho fall. Let’s not make the mistake of not trusting His word again. Let’s claim the promise of revival, the promise of an outpouring of signs, wonders and miracles.

We have been promised a season of increase. You have been promised His hand protecting you and promoting you in this season. It’s yours for the claiming and it only requires obedience to His instructions on claiming it. Rise up in unity and we WILL see the promise of revival sweep our homes, our churches and our nation. I call you blessed and promise carriers.


Pastor Ren Schuffman is the senior pastor of Freedom Fellowship Church in Mustang OK, a suburb of Oklahoma city. He flows in a strong healing and prophetic anointing. He is a church planter, musician, international speaker, author and revivalist.

Pastor Ren spent many years as a music pastor and spent years touring in a Christian Rock band called StoneWater until the Lord called him to plant a church in 2016.

2018 pastor Ren had a life-altering encounter with Holy Spirit that launched him into a great outpouring of signs wonders and miracles.

He is married to Rachael Schuffman and is a father of 3 boys.

Pastor Ren can be seen around the world on multiple satellite television stations, Charisma Magazine, and more.

Ren also host the "Power Hour of Prayer". This live internet broadcast reaches around the world. Pastor Ren hosts anointed pastors from across the globe that partner with him to release the supernatural over those watching. Healing and prophesy happen nightly.

You can watch the live every 8pm Central time at

Parler @renschuffman



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