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Shaking loose Geysers of Revival!

We are about to witness the greatest season of revival the earth has ever seen since Jesus.

As I prayed early morning, on August 10th 2020, the Lord gave me a vision for our nation. He showed me the contrasting dark and light in our world is converging, they are reaching each other in battle. As the front lines clashed the earth began to shake, this shook loose geysers of fiery water, the Lord gave me discernment that these were wells of revival fire stored up that were bursting forth shooting straight up to the heavens and flooding the city. Some cities in our nations had erupted and some were just cracking and the pressure was building toward the inevitable release.

When we see revival it means heavenly swords are clashing. Time to release what is stored up in you. Let the fire of revival erupt in you first so it will break loose in your city! Saints, begin to prophesy to the dry ground to release this fire and see springs of revival come forth for our city our nation and all the nations.

Isaiah 41:18

“I will open rivers on the bare heights

And springs in the midst of the valleys;

I will make the wilderness a pool of water

And the dry land fountains of water.

The Lord had already been showing me a contrasting season was coming. A showdown between the light and darkness. He revealed a truth to me about revival. Revival always comes in a contrasting season. When you go to buy a diamond engagement ring do they set the diamond on white cloth? Of course not! They set it on black velvet, a material that reflects the least amount of light and gives maximum contrast to the diamond. They want you to see the full splendor and magnificence of the diamond. Revival is the diamond. Revival is releasing the light of God to destroy the works of darkness.

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Isaiah 9:2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.

The Lord has been releasing pieces of this coming revival to me over the last several months starting in March. A few days before I boarded a plane to speak at a conference in California, the Lord gave me an open vision of an Angel holding and gently stoking 12-foot flames coming out of a small golden bowl. 5 rows of earth's saints were in front of the bowls. When the time came the angel received the command of the Lord to release the flames and the angel began to violently flap his wings and release waves of embers onto the saints. As the first row caught fire, they threw their hands up in worship, then the second row caught fire and on till the 5th, then new rows sprang up till it was a multitude I could not count.

Psalms 104:4 He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.

Rev 8:3-5 3Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. 4The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. 5Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

I released this vision to the pastor of the conference we were at on March 11th 2020 sitting in the sand on a beach in Santa Cruz California. He was sharing with me that God had told him to name this conference “Fire on the Tribe” wow! He knew it was the Lord but he didn’t know the purpose yet but God did. God was showing me the coming season of revival that would soon hit the beaches of California. Revival was coming! The fire of heaven was about to be poured out on the saints. Light was coming but so was darkness. Within a few days, lockdowns were happening and later riots would break out. On the heels of those dark moments, thousands have gathered at beaches and tents, parks and homes. Revival light is revealing itself and chasing away the darkness. This will be a season of the greatest harvest of souls we have ever seen. I saw the multitudes, so many I couldn’t count. This will be a billion soul harvest. As angel hosts and demonic forces meet each other for battle so begins this season of the contrast of light and darkness. Angels are warfaring on our behalf to empower us to spread the fire of revival to the next row of saints, to shake loose the next geyser of revival.

There is no time for complacent Christians. The church is an army not a building and that army has been deployed. It’s time to bring in the harvest. So grab your sickle and start harvesting church! Get ready! He is empowering you with fire from heaven.

Get ready, you will see greater levels of gifting pour out of you. Healing, prophesy, words of knowledge, words that cut to the heart of men and drive them to repentance. Miracles, signs and wonders will increase in you this season as tools for the harvest. Time to get the win!



Pastor Ren Schuffman is the senior pastor of Freedom Fellowship Church in Mustang OK, a suburb of Oklahoma city. He flows in a strong healing and prophetic anointing. He is a church planter, musician, international speaker, author and revivalist.

Pastor Ren spent many years as a music pastor and spent years touring in a Christian Rock band called StoneWater until the Lord called him to plant a church in 2016.

2018 pastor Ren had a life-altering encounter with Holy Spirit that launched him into a great outpouring of signs wonders and miracles.

He is married to Rachael Schuffman and is a father of 3 boys.

Pastor Ren can be seen around the world on multiple satellite television stations, Charisma Magazine, and more.

Ren also host the "Power Hour of Prayer". This live internet broadcast reaches around the world. Pastor Ren hosts anointed pastors from across the globe that partner with him to release the supernatural over those watching. Healing and prophesy happen nightly.

You can watch the live every 8pm Central time at

Parler @renschuffman


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