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Time to Cross Over into Victory

By Ren Schuffman Posted 12/26/2020 2:39 pm

Today as I write this, I am in awe of God. I see the prophetic words He has whispered to me come to pass and I am beginning to see more clearly what He has been saying to me this year.

On Dec 12th I posted on social media a word the Lord gave me. Then on Dec 24th, the word came alive, and12 days later it was birthed. This is no accident and I will elaborate in a moment, but first the word.

Posted on Dec 12th: "Share this word from the Lord: I heard the news about Texas having their case dismissed by SCOTUS (Supreme Court) and I began to pray. The Lord suddenly reminded me of Chris Reed's word he gave on my broadcast and Sid Roth and others. I remembered how in his vision George Washington had his arm around Trump. The Lord then spoke to me and asked, "Ren, how many battles did Washington lose before he finally won?" I went and looked it up. He lost 6 of his first 8 major battles, the 3rd battle he managed to hold off the British advance, it was a defensive win but his first offensive win didn't come till battle 8 at Trenton. Our President has only managed to hold off state certifications but no offensive wins yet. We will prayerfully watch and see what happens as we get to battle 8!

The enemy thought he had Washington on the run and near defeat. Washington secretly crossed the Delaware River on Christmas and surprised the enemy with a stunning victory at Trenton. Share this word and then pray for God to expose the true corruption and the true will of the people to prevail regardless of who wins. It's time for justice. Time for a sudden victory for truth and for darkness to face its stunning defeat. Christmas is coming and it's time for God's people to cross over into victory."

On Christmas Eve, twelve days after releasing the word, the attorney helping fight and expose national corruption tweeted this tweet:

"Sounds like @realDonaldTrump has put his boat in the water for his trip to cross The Delaware River. Tens of millions of Patriots are behind him ready to follow his lead. On Christmas Eve. History does repeat itself."

He was retweeting “Trisha Flannagan (R-NJ) for U.S. Senate”: "BREAKING— Pres Trump has given new Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen permission to use classified information for indictments."

Everything in my above prophetic word lines up with this announcement. My exact words were "Christmas is coming", and then this was announced on Christmas Eve. The same story as George Washington crossing the river.

Twelve is a prophetic governmental mantle. I released this on 12-12, it took 12 days to come to pass and it was released on 12-24 (12+12).

Isaiah 9:6 says, "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

Since the beginning of this year, I have had a constant and recurring theme to all my prophetic words I released, EXPOSURE! God is bringing exposure. Exposure to the government, exposure to the body of Christ, exposure to Hollywood. Exposure! As I sought the Lord this morning, 12-26-2020, He began to illuminate what I had not yet understood.

I have been criticized for not just declaring prophetically who will eventually win the election. Why have I not? Our prophetic voices must be careful to not add or take away from the words God declares. I saw a Trenton victory. The battle of Trenton did not decide the war. I have my own personal desired outcome but to assume beyond what I was shown is a misuse of His entrusting me with a word. I will only release what He says and not assume the eventual conclusion.

Many prophetic voices have accurately described what was coming but not yet the outcome. Some said to look to Pennsylvania. Some said to look to the Supreme Court. Some said to look to congress. Each prophetic voice has been right in what was about to be highlighted but many have assumed because of this that President Trump would win. It may very well end that way, I don't yet know.

But what if the words from the Lord were not meant to reveal the conclusion but rather to expose the corruption? What if God was saying the Supreme Courts' rejection was the spark? Were all eyes on Pennsylvania to show the abuse of our constitution? What if God was showing us the villainy, not the victory?

What if God is more concerned with corruption and the evil that has hidden among us? What if He is more concerned with exposure than who wins the election? God's plans are always so much more complex than our understanding. I think this thing has more plot twists to come. Hold on!

On Nov 1st I released a word that you can find on my Youtube. In this word I said, the Lord showed me fighting in the streets, citizens on either side were attacking each other. I didn’t see guns, just brawls, and small weapons. I saw as the crowds calmed down and backed away from each other the demonic enemy would be exposed and left standing in the open. Then the enemy would retreat for a season and hide. We saw this beginning after the Jericho march in December in Washington D.C. Conservatives and Antifa/BLM were fighting each other in the streets that night and police had to separate them off into what looked like front line divisions (see my Parler to see these videos). I knew that God was saying this was the sign that the exposure of the enemy was close at hand.

There is a governmental mantle that was released this Christmas, the government is on His shoulders. The year of exposure will lead to a year of justice. Not because God is so interested in our politics but because He is interested in our hearts. This year will cause many to see that government is not God. They will have that veil torn and God will begin to draw men’s hearts to Him. We will see a wave of revival. We have seen these releasing already in 2020. They will grow and deepen. The well of revival will burst forth as God is shifting and shaking the earth. I see wealth shifts to the church and the ability to go into the whole earth and see the shaking everywhere. The year of exposure has revealed hidden ones in the church who carry the anointing for this revival. Let us begin to reap the harvest Jesus has made so ripe for us. It will manifest through signs, wonders, and miracles. The love and power of God will be on full display. Victory IS coming. I'm excited to see what it looks like.

Not wild enough? The US Mint announced this Christmas a new quarter, Washington Crossing the Deleware. There is no anniversary to make this an anticipated release. Let's cross over into victory!


Pastor Ren Schuffman is the senior pastor of Freedom Fellowship Church in Mustang OK, a suburb of Oklahoma city. He flows in a strong healing and prophetic anointing. He is a church planter, musician, international speaker, author and revivalist.

Pastor Ren spent many years as a music pastor and spent years touring in a Christian Rock band called StoneWater until the Lord called him to plant a church in 2016.

2018 pastor Ren had a life-altering encounter with Holy Spirit that launched him into a great outpouring of signs wonders and miracles.

He is married to Rachael Schuffman and is a father of 3 boys.

Pastor Ren can be seen around the world on multiple satellite television stations, Charisma Magazine, and more.

Ren also host the "Power Hour of Prayer". This live internet broadcast reaches around the world. Pastor Ren hosts anointed pastors from across the globe that partner with him to release the supernatural over those watching. Healing and prophesy happen nightly.

You can watch the live every 8pm Central time at

Parler @renschuffman



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